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Top Food Industry Trends 2023

The food industry is a highly competitive field with fierce competition globally. New types and varieties of food are introduced every year, which makes it a dynamic domain and needs to be followed closely by everyone, especially brands and companies.

Food and beverage markets are constantly evolving as new trends and technologies emerge. As the food industry continues to grow and evolve, it is important for businesses to stay on top of all the latest trends, so they can implement strategies that will stand them in good stead for the future.

Based on the analysis of numerous research over the past years, we have compiled a list of top food industry trends, which will help you understand what other competitors do to stay ahead.

Top Food Industry Trends in 2023

There’s no denying that the food industry has come a long way since the 20th century. It’s not just that we’ve gotten more access to ingredients and know-how, but we’ve also been able to connect with our customers in new ways.

One of those ways is through digital food supply chains. With so many companies now offering their own online stores, you can buy anything from fresh produce to ready-to-eat meals at home for a fraction of the cost, you’d pay in a grocery store!

But despite all of this innovation, you still need people to help make it happen. That’s why we’re putting together this list of top food trends for 2023. The role of food wholesaler will continue to grow as more companies offer their own online stores, and your job as a wholesaler will be crucial in making sure those stores stay stocked with everything they need.

1. Plant-Based Food Alternatives

These days, people are increasingly looking for vegan and vegetarian dishes that can be made from plants instead of animal products such as eggs or milk. With this in mind, it’s not surprising that plant-based foods have become more popular than ever before. In fact, there are more than 1 billion vegetarians worldwide today!

Plant-based food alternatives are expected to grow at 8.6% between 2023 and 2028. These products are higher in calories than their meat counterparts because they contain more fat and saturated fat.

The most common methods used by manufacturers include extrusion (cooking with heat), fermentation (fermentation via microorganisms), and pressure cooking (pressurized steam).

2. Sustainable Seafood 

Sustainable seafood is one of the top food industry trends in 2023, which means that the demand for sustainable seafood is expected to increase in the next five years.

Sustainable seafood is food that has been produced in a way that does not harm the environment or animals. It is also referred to as ocean-friendly or eco-friendly fish and shellfish. A sustainable fishery is one where there is no exploitation or harm to marine life. Sustainable fisheries are important because they contribute to biodiversity and help maintain species diversity in both marine ecosystems as well as on land.

Many restaurants have started offering sustainable seafood options on their menus including fish, shellfish, and other sea creatures such as lobsters, crabs, shrimp, etc.

3. Ancient Grains and Alternative Flours 

Ancient grains and alternative flours are one of the top food industry trends 2023. It is expected that demand for ancient grains will rise in the coming years as consumers seek to ensure their diets are healthier and more nutritious.

Ancient grains are foods that have been around for centuries, such as quinoa and amaranth. They have a high protein content, making them an excellent source of energy. Amaranth has a bitter taste but contains several vitamins and minerals.

The ancient grains are more healthful than modern wheat, which often contains gluten and is genetically modified. Ancient grains are also less refined than modern wheat, so they contain more nutrients and fiber. They can be used to make bread, pasta, and other baked goods that are higher in protein than their wheat-based counterparts.

4. Functional Foods and Beverages 

We are seeing an increasing trend in the demand for functional foods and beverages, which are foods that provide health benefits beyond basic nutrition. Some examples of these could be antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetable juices with added vitamins, or even fortified breakfast cereals.

These foods have been shown to help prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease and stroke. Additionally, they can help reduce the risk of some cancers as well as lower blood pressure and triglyceride levels.

The popularity of functional foods is increasing worldwide as people seek to eat healthier. The increased demand for these types of products has helped boost the global market for functional foods.

5. Immigrant Cuisine and Cultural Fusion 

One of the most popular trends in the food industry is of immigrant cuisine and cultural fusion.

A new study by the Food Marketing Institute found that immigrant cuisines and cultural fusion are among the most popular trends among food manufacturers. The study also highlighted how these trends are expected to be key factors in driving growth in the global food industry over the next five years.

The report found that while consumers continue to seek out healthier options, they also want to try new flavors and ingredients that have been made using local products and ingredients. This means that businesses must adapt their menus to meet the needs of this growing market segment by offering a wide variety of ethnic foods from around the world.


The food industry is something huge and important in today’s world. With the development of technology, there are so many things that have been done for bettering our lives and making them easier. And one of those things is food industry trends in the coming years.

The food and beverage sector is one of the most crucial industries due to its impact on human survival. It is one of the most popular sectors in the world as it offers numerous opportunities. There are many food industry trends that are shaping up among investors, companies, and individuals who seek good returns on their investments!

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